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When you get sick, you probably go to the doctor. If the doctor decides you need medicine to feel better, then they write you a prescription. You then go to the pharmacy to pick it up and will hopefully be on your way to feeling better soon.

But have you ever thought about how your prescription actually gets to you? 很有可能是一名药学技术人员参与其中. They assist pharmacists in dispensing medication to their customers or health professionals.  一些 duties 药学技术人员的条件包括:

Pharmacy technicians work under the supervision of pharmacists, who review prescriptions before they are dispensed. 一些技术人员可能会混合一些药物或, 在医院, 准备静脉注射药物,查房.

One 重要的品质 pharmacy technicians should have are good customer-service skills. Pharmacy technicians regularly work with customers, 所以对他们来说倾听很重要, 善于沟通,乐于助人. It's also important for them to be detail oriented. Filling prescriptions is a huge task; mistakes can be extremely dangerous, so it is essential that pharmacy technicians pay attention to every detail to make sure complications are avoided. 数学技能也很关键. Pharmacy techs need to have an understanding of math concepts used when counting pills and compounding medications.

这听起来像你吗? You might consider becoming a pharmacy technician.  这个职业有望成长 12% from 2016 to 2026, which is faster than the average for all occupations.1 The population is aging, which means more prescription medicines are going to be prescribed.

Though some pharmacy technicians learn on the job, 其他人则完成药学技术培训 入职前.2

PG电子平台提供两种课程 副学士学位课程 and a 文凭项目 对于那些对药学技术学校感兴趣的人.

These pharmacy tech classes offer students the chance to study the basics of drug interactions, 医疗缩略语和患者互动, 以及获得实践经验. Both pharmacy tech programs also give students the chance to obtain certification by passing a national pharmacy technician certification exam.

At Remington College, we say that pharmacy technicians are 'a direct link to making someone well.' If you want to be part of that vital chain, visit our website or give us a call at 1-800-208-1950 to learn more.

1BLS statistics represent national job growth expectations and are not necessarily reflective of local market conditions.

2 Employment is not guaranteed for students or graduates.
